Hallo, i am Sukardi But you can call me Eddie.
I Don't have word to discribe about me, i think when you see all my posts on my blog then you can know what i like, what i do in my life.
so maybe you can give me a question if you wanna know me more, go to my social media accounts, you can find it as well in this blog and i'll be waiting for your question. Byeeee.
WAIT!!! Maybe i can tell you a little bit
My Favorite Film : Inside Out & Avengers End Game (NO DEBATE!)
Eddie dalam bahasa Karakteristik artinya Humanis sejati. dapat diandalkan, bertanggung jawab. rendah hati, setia. artistik, memiliki selera yang bagus. penuh semangat, mudah beradaptasi.
Menurut studi numerologi, nama "Eddie" mempunyai kepribadian Peduli sesama, dermawan, tidak mementingkan diri sendiri, patuh terhadap kewajiban, ekspresi kreatif.
I Like watching movie
Owl City is my favorite Singer, His name is adam young, i don't know why he used "young" to be his last name, but i don't really care about it, i just love his music, there is a story behind it.